Grant Opportunities

Grant Opportunities

Grant Opportunities

The Ohio Middle Level Association is offering competitive mini grants of $500 for the development and implementation of exemplary teaming projects that would be replicated year after year. The intent is to provide encouragement to innovative risk-takers who seek to meet the needs of middle level students. This grant is intended to fund the endeavors of teams, not individual teachers. The application can be found below. It can be submitted by mailing in a hard copy to the address on the application.  An online application can also be submitted and can be found below.

Mini Grant Application
  • Applying for the Grant
    • Nominated team members must be OMLA members (individual or part of a building membership).
    • Only one proposal per school should be submitted by the dealine date.
    • Recipient teams willing to present their projects in a session at the OMLA State Conference will receive one (1) complimentary voucher to attend the next scheduled conference at which they will present.
    • Any product that results from the project, for example, unit plan, teaming strategy, forms or similarly tangible item(s), becomes an OMLA resource.
    • Funding may only supplement current district of building plans and programs. 
  • Criteria for Evaluation of Applications
    • School organization supports the project.
    • Plan is appropriate to early adolecent needs.
    • Instruction is student-centered and supports current 'best practices'.
    • Objectives are reasonably measureable with proposed evaluation methods.
    • Budget is specific and reflects appropriate use of funding to enhance learning.
  • Awarding of the Grants
    • A committee of Ohio Middle Level Association Executive Board members will review all applications and determine the winning recipients.
    • Applicants will receive written notice by mid-July regarding their grant status.
    • Grant recipients will receive the $500 check and one conference voucher in the mail during the month of July following the written notice.

NOTE: Recipients are not eligible to receive consecutive yearly grants.

Mini Grant Application

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