If you have any questions please contact:
Brittany Marino
Exposition Guidelines
SETUP: Exhibitors can set up between 4:00-9:00 p.m. the evening before our event. Setup can also be completed between 7:00-9:00 a.m. on the first day of our event.
ARRANGEMENTS OF EXHIBITS: Exhibits shall be arranged as not to obstruct the general view nor hide the exhibits of others.
The exhibitor assumes all responsibility for compliance with local, city and state ordinances and regulations covering fires, safety, and health. All exhibit equipment and materials will be reasonably located within the booth and protected by safety guards and devices where necessary.
Audio-visual aids will be permitted if tuned to conversational level. Distracting lighting effects will not be permitted. OMLA reserves the right to limit the use of said aids, if necessary.
The exhibitor shall not assign, sublet, or apportion the whole or any part of the space assigned or have representatives, equipment, or materials from firms other than his own in the exhibit space without the consent of OMLA.
Canvassing in exhibit halls or distribution of advertising matter or souvenirs by representatives of non-existing firms is strictly forbidden. All materials must be in keeping with the purposes of middle level education promoted by OMLA.
OMLA will not be liable for injury to exhibitors or their employees, for damages to property in their custody, owned or controlled by them, which claims for damages, injuries, etc., may be incident to or arise from, or be in any connected with their use or occupation of display place. The exhibitor shall indemnify and hold OMLA harmless against any such claim. OMLA will not be liable for loss or damage to the property of the exhibitor, his representatives, or employees from theft, fire, accident or other cause.
It is mutually understood and agreed that OMLA shall use proper and reasonable care to have all power services installed in time for the opening of the show. Proper and reasonable care shall also be taken to prevent the interruption of power services during the exhibition. However, OMLA shall not be held responsible for late installation or interruption of any services that may occur.
OMLA reserves the right, should any rented exhibitor’s space remain unoccupied on the opening day, to rent said space to any other exhibitor, or use said space in any other manner.
If an exhibitor must cancel his space for good and sufficient reason, OMLA will refund 75% of the exhibitor’s contract obligation 30 days prior to the opening of the conference. If an exhibitor must cancel his space in the 15-29 day period prior to the opening of the conference, OMLA shall refund 50% of the exhibitor’s contract obligation. If an exhibitor cancels 14 days prior to the opening of the conference OMLA shall retain 100% of the exhibitor’s contract obligation. NOTE: OMLA reserves the right to accept or reject any application for space.
If the conference site is damaged or destroyed by fire, the elements, or any other cause, which make it impossible for OMLA to permit an exhibitor or exhibitors to occupy the space assigned during any part or the whole period covered; neither OMLA or the conference site will be liable for the fulfillment of this contract. The exhibitor will be reimbursed a proportionate share of space rental.