2021 Annual Conference

2021 OMLA Conference

October 28 - 29, 2021

The Ohio Middle Level Association is proud to host the 2021 annual state conference at the Hilton Columbus at Easton in Columbus, Ohio from October 28-29 2021.

Also, view the 2021 OMLA Conference keynote speakers listed below!

OMLA 2021 State Conference Hotel

Hilton Columbus at Easton

3900 Chagrin Drive

Columbus, OH 43219

(614) 414-5000

$197.00 / night - Wednesday - Friday

Conference Hotel Reservations

( Rooms are currently available for this hotel )

AJ Juliani

AJ Juliani is a bestselling author and national speaker known for his work on innovation in teaching. He is the Head of Learning and Growth at NextLesson and is also on faculty at the University of Pennsylvania. He spent many years as a teacher, coach, and administrator within the K-12 system and brings his expertise to educators across all content areas. He focuses on empowering students through choice and intentional innovation, PBL, Genius Hour, and design thinking. Weaved throughout all of his theory is empathy and the role it plays in the educational setting and life. AJ is also a husband and dad to 4. Learn more about AJ on his website at www.ajjuliani.com. You can also follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, or check out his YouTube Channel and podcast series-The Backwards Podcast.


Facebook: Learning with AJ

Twitter/Instagram: @ajjuliani

Website: www.ajjuliani.com

Jennifer Gonzalez

Jennifer Gonzalez is a former middle school language arts teacher and now college faculty member whose main goal is to create a community of educators who support each other and challenge each other to excellence. Oftentimes feeling alone in her excitement about pedagogy and fearing the teachers lounge, she set out on a journey to connect and inspire educators. She is well known for creating the “cult of pedagogy” and she shares her expertise and ideas through books, her blog, videos, weekly digital notes to teachers, and speaking engagements. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. 


Facebook: Cult of Pedagogy

Twitter/Instagram: @cultofpedagogy

Website: www.cultofpedagogy.com

Jack Berckemeyer

Jack Berckemeyer is a nationally recognized presenter, author, and humorist. He is the author of Managing the Madness - A Practical Guide to Middle Grades Classrooms, Taming of the Team - How Great TeamsWork Together and most recently published, Deliberate Optimism - Reclaiming the Joy in Education, co-authored with Dr. Debbie Silver and Judith Baenen. As former middle level teacher and now expert in middle level education and adolescent development, Jack shares his passion, humor, and expertise that is guaranteed to re-energize the room.

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